Thursday, December 20, 2007

I ventured outside in the cold for you

I am constantly around others. At work, at home, out and about... I just never seem to get away from people.

Today I don't work till the evening shift at the restaurant. Yay! Time to sleep in, finish Christmas shopping/creating, and the opportunity to not only make breakfast but to sit down and eat it too.

During the making of breakfast I had a visitor near the kitchen window. Yes, it was the hairy madame you stole a glance at above. She's not as big as she could be and I'm not new to the sightings of moose, why take a picture then? Escpecially when I was in the middle of my ME-therapy morning?

Well, I was thinking of you.

Yes, YOU.

I opened the door with a camera in my hand ready to take a great photo. The door squeeked and Miss Madame Moose ran next door. In pink fuzzy slippers, jeans, and my "I-am-doing-laundry" teddy-bear scrubs top, I ventured outside in the cold for you (it's 1 below zero at the moment) and captured my Thursday morning sighting to share with you. And with you, and you, and you too.

Even in those moments when I take some time to think of me, something will always come by to redirect my mind and heart to thoughts of you... I can't complain, I'm never alone.

Merry Christmas to everyone in my life...

I love you.